2021 Educational Congress Schedule
A conference for therapeutic massage & bodywork educators! Register Today! We hope you’ll join us!
Our mission is to foster dialogue, inquiry and creative problem-solving between and among organizations and individuals involved in massage therapy and bodywork education. The 2021 Educational Congress will be held virtually July 16 & 17.
Want to be a part of the conference?
Early Bird pricing is available until July 2!
Schedule of Events
Friday, July 16, 2021
9:30a-8p ET | 8:30a-7p CT | 7:30a-6p MT | 6:30a-5p PT
- 6:30a-8a PT | 7:30a-9:00a MT | 8:30a-10a CT | 9:30a-11a ET: Vendor Hall Opens
- 8a-9a PT | 9:00a-9:30a MT | 10a-10:30a CT | 11a-11:30a ET: Opening: Welcome, Introductions, Announcements
- 8:30a-9:30a PT | 9:30a-10:30a MT | 10:30-11:30a CT | 11:30-12:30a ET: KEYNOTE: What Just Happened? What Comes Next? Massage Therapy on the Threshold by Ruth Werner
- 9:30a-10:30a PT | 10:30a-11:00a MT | 11:30-12:30p CT | 12:30-1:30 ET: Guided Exercise Break – ENHANCED TICKETS ONLY
- 10-11a PT | 11:00a-12:00p MT | 12-1p CT | 1-2p ET: Best Practices for Career Longevity – The Massage Therapy Foundation Ergonomics Research Report with Robin Anderson
- 11-12 PT | 12:00p-12:30p MT | 1p-2p CT | 2p-3p ET: Exhibitors
- 11:30-12:30 PT | 12:30p-1:30p MT | 1:30p-2:30p CT | 2:30-3:30p ET: Lunch & Learn: Teaching Systems for Student Success with Annie LaCroix
- 12:30p-2p PT | 1:30p-3:00p MT | 2:30p-4p CT | 3:30p-5p ET: Stakeholder Panel Presentation with Live Q&A featuring ABMP, AFMTE, AMTA, AOBTA, COMTA, FSMTB, NCBTMB, MTF
- 2-3:30p PT | 3:00p-3:30p MT | 4-5:30p CT | 5-6:30p ET: Break & Exhibitor Booths
- 2:30-4p PT | 3:30p-5:00p MT | 4:30-6p CT | 5:30-7p ET: In Every Class: Antiracism + Equity in Massage Education by Sakinah Irizarry and Meg Donnelly
- 4-5p PT | 5:00p-6:00p MT | 6-7p CT | 7-8p ET: Networking Event
Saturday, July 17, 2021
9:30a-8p ET | 8:30a-7p CT | 7:30a-6p MT | 6:30a-5p PT
- 6:30-8a PT | 7:30a-9:00a MT | 8:30a-10a CT | 9:30a-11a ET: Vendor Hall Opens
- 8-8:30a PT | 9:00a-9:30a MT | 10-10:30a CT | 11-11:30a ET: Awards & Memorial
- 8:30-9 PT | 9:30a-10:00a MT | 10:30-11 CT | 11:30-12p ET: Teacher Certification Update with Deanna Sylvester
- 9-10a PT | 10:00a-11:30a MT | 11-12:30p CT | 12-1:30p ET: Breakout Session #1
- Teacher Training Track: “Trends in Anatomy Education” with Lizz Pugh
- Hot Topics Track: “Define a Niche and Reach it! Branding and Marketing for Tomorrow by Cameron Byrd
- 10:30-1p PT | 11:30a-12:00p MT | 12:30-1p CT | 1:30-2p PT: Lunch/Exhibit
- 11a-12p PT | 12:00p-1:00p MT | 1p-2p CT | 2p-3p ET: Lunch & Learn: Teacher Training & AFMTE Model Curriculum by Deanna Sylvester
- 12p-1:30p PT | 1:00p-2:30p MT | 2-3:30p CT | 3-4:30p ET: Breakout Sessions #2
- Teacher Training Track: “Gamification in Learning: Creating Your Own Learning Games” with Brent Jackson
- Hot Topics Track on Susan Beck, Creating Excellent Massage Therapist Through Use Of Rubrics For Assessing Students Skills
- 1:30-2p PT | 2:30p-3:00p MT | 3:30-4p CT | 4:30-5p ET: Guided Body Break – ENHANCED TICKET ONLY
- 2-2:30p PT | 3:00p-3:30p MT | 4-4:30p CT | 5-5:30p ET: Break & Exhibitor Booths
- 2:30-3:30p PT | 3:30p-4:30p MT | 4:30p-5:30p CT | 5:30-6:30p ET: Breakout Session #3
- Teacher Training Track: Now, More Than Ever: Classroom Communication Strategies that Translate to the Therapy Room with Carole Osborne
- Hot Topics Track on “How Schools Can Help Stop Sex & Labor Trafficking” with Joe Bob Smith
- 3:30-4:30p PT | 4:30p-5:00p MT | 5:30p-6p CT | 6:30-7p ET Closing Ceremony
- 4-5p PT | 5:00p-6:00p MT | 6-7p CT | 7-8p ET: Backstage Pass Networking Event – ENHANCED TICKET ONLY
Meet our 2021 Speakers
NEW! Presenter interview playlist with Ruth Werner
Want to be a part of the conference?
The Early Bird Pricing Ends soon!
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