AFMTE Annouces 2017 Education Slate and Schedule for Congress

AFMTE Announces the 2017 Education Slate and Schedule for Congress

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) shared their 2017 Biennial Educational Congress official schedule today. The second Educational Congress will take place over five days at the end of July 2017 in Tucson, AZ. In addition to the pre- and post-conference events, the exhibit hall, keynote, and the general and breakout sessions are scheduled on July 27, 28, and 29.

Pre- conference education all day workshops include: Mental Health First Aid and a School Success Day.

The Keynote presenter is Montana massage school owner, Ruth Marion, and there are nine breakout sessions on the latest hot topics, strategies, and tools to elevate standards of excellence within the massage and bodywork education community.

There will be a post- conference workshop on Sunday – Beyond Boundaries, along with additional organizational board meetings.

“We are thrilled that so many of our industry’s stakeholder organizations have verbally agreed to participate in this exciting event. The presentations are diverse, timely, and worthy for all participants! The schedule, course descriptions, and bios for all of the presenters will be up on the website soon.” said Nancy Dail, Committee Chair for Alliance Conference Planning Committee

The idea of a Congress was inspired by the voices within the massage therapy and bodywork education community and the desire to have one event where the majority of organizations connected with  massage therapy and bodywork education would gather to share, collaborate and unite to discuss critical issues affecting our industry, gather information, enhance teaching skills, and network.

“The impact of networking in such a collective event, filters through the entire industry and benefits all, said Nancy Dail. We get a lot done when we work together!”