Did you know the AFMTE is a volunteer-based non-profit organization? The AFMTE couldn’t do what it does without its dedicated committees and hardworking volunteers. Learn more about the AFMTE Leadership Development Committee in this Committee Spotlight!
The mandate of the AFMTE Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is divided into three types of tasks:
1. Finding good candidates for openings on the Board of Directors
The first half of the calendar year is the busiest for us as we prepare for the BOD election, which takes place each summer – at the Congress every second year, and online in the alternate years. By the end of January, we receive formal notification from the President about the plans of Board members whose terms are due to expire. We need to know whether they intend to leave or to apply for another term. Also, if there are anticipated openings for any other reason. This gives us clarity about the number of vacancies and whether there are specific skills associated with an opening (e.g., Treasurer, marketing background).
We then proceed to conduct Needs Assessment interviews with all current Board members to come up with a complete perspective on what we are looking for as we search for qualified individuals who will also be a good team fit. Once we have this clarified, we communicate to Alliance members in eBlasts that invite applications and give a deadline to apply. We interview applicants and select a slate. Last year there were three openings that were brought to election during the Philadelphia Educational Congress. Once we have clarity about 2020, we will inform members and communicate about how the online election process works.
2. Committee population
Our committee-related work is year-round, and essentially involves keeping the Alliance’s committees populated with qualified, engaged volunteers.
We respond to requests from committee chairs, and we seek out and receive expressions of interest from members. Our role is to talk to everyone concerned and recommend good matches.
Just so you know… we’re presently searching for volunteers to join the Conference Planning Ctte., the Teacher Resource Development Ctte. and the Marketing Ctte. We are happy to talk more with you about what is involved and encourage you to submit an application!
3. Our third role is a more informal one of offering input/advice to the EC and Board at appropriate moments, usually related to a particular issue or request.
The LDC is a dedicated, productive committee. Most of us have been working happily together for some years now. In 2019 we welcomed new member Cari Johnson Pelava and new Board Liaison Dawn Hogue.
Respectfully submitted by Debra Curties, LDC Chair
With mucho thanks to LDC members: Su Bibik, Tim Herbert, Dawn Hogue, Cari Johnson Pelava, and Joe Lubow
About the Author

As a school owner and instructor at Sutherland-Chan School in Toronto, and continuing education provider, I feel a great satisfaction in being a part of the growth of massage therapy education through this important association. The LDC has developed our relationship and work style over many hours of dialogue and group decision-making. We enjoy working together, are very productive, and it is a pleasure to serve as the committee’s chair. Email: LDC@afmte.org