Back to the Future: Adapt to the Ever-Changing Future of Massage Therapy Education
July 11-13, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza
Join us for the AFMTE 2024 Education Conference in Kansas City, Missouri July 12-13th at the Kansas City Marriott. Reconnect with your education colleagues. This convention will target information for instructors, CE providers, and administrators in the massage therapy and/or allied health professions.
- Sandy and Luke Fritz, Keynote
- Susan Salvo
- Joe Muscolino
- Irene Diamond
- Shari Aldrich
- Rebecca Pollock
Opportunity to earn up to 13 Continuing Education Hours!
Schedule of Events
Thursday, July 11
2:00-5:00pm Session
Shari Aldrich, Elevate and Expand: Navigating a Path to a Thriving Massage School (3 CE)
Vendor Set-Up & On-Site Registration
Social Hour
Vendor Hall

Friday, July 12
Vendor Hall
9:00-11:00am Keynote
Sandy and Luke Fritz
Vendor Hall
Coffee Break
AFMTE Business Luncheon
2:00-6:00pm Breakout Sessions
Joe Muscolino, A Simple Yet Profound Approach to Teaching Muscles (3 CE)
Susan Salvo, Teaching Clinical Assessment in Different Delivery Methods (4 CE)
6:30-8:00pm Social Hour
Vendor Hall
Saturday, July 13
Vendor Hall
8:30-11:30am Breakout Sessions
Shari Aldrich, The Win-Win Formula: Enhancing Student Opportunities While Boosting the Bottom Line (3 CE)
CBD Oil Panel (NC)
11:30am-1:30pm FSMTB Luncheon
Topic: Human Trafficking
2:00-5:00pm Breakout Sessions
Irene Diamond, Give Students an Advantage When Starting Their Business: How and Why to Replace Common Business Curriculum for a Completely Fresh Perspective (3 CE)
Rebecca Pollock, The Elements of Continuing Education Class Design (3 CE)
5:15-6:00pm Round Table Discussion
Topic: Gainful Employment Legislation
Conference registration cancellation terms
Cancellation of attendance for the 2024 Educational Congress must be sent to the AFMTE in writing ( Cancellation requests will be refunded according to the following schedule:
- Prior to March 31, 2024: 90% of registration fee refunded
- Between April 1 and June 19, 2024: 50% of registration fee refunded
- After June 20, 2024: No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after June 20, 2024