Become a member or renew your membership

Select from our annual membership options below. In addition to supporting our mission and work, all members gain access to an exclusive repository of massage educator resources, special discounts on events, voting rights in our elections, and more.

Please note: We changed our payment platform from Neon to Stripe in January 2024. If you paid for your most recent membership prior to January 2024, you will need to “sign up” in order to renew your membership.

Teacher or Administrator


Individual Membership

For instructors or administrators in institutions offering entry-level training programs in massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies.



Individual Membership

For individuals who support the work of the Alliance. Supporter members are not teachers, administrators, school owners, or CE providers, but wish to support the mission of the AFMTE.

CE Provider


Individual OR Organizational Membership

For those individuals, businesses, or institutions whose primary educational activity is offering post-graduate training.



Organizational Membership

For institutions offering entry-level training programs in massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies.



Organizational Membership

For companies that provide products and services to the education sector, as well as other stakeholder organizations in the massage therapy field that wish to support the work of the Alliance.


Need to update your billing information? You can do so via our secure Stripe customer portal.

If you have questions about which membership type fits you best, please contact us at