Allied Memberships are for companies that provide products and services to the massage therapy education sector, as well as other stakeholder organizations in the massage therapy field that wish to support the work of the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education.
- $500 Annual Membership: As an Allied Members, you are an integral part of our community. We value your knowledge and perspective. The AFMTE welcomes you to join committees, participate in discussions at the AFMTE conferences, voting rights at the AFMTE business meeting and serve on the board.
Become an Allied Member today and actively shape the future of massage therapy education. All of this for $500/year and receive substantial discounts for the Biennial Educational Congress registration and exhibit spaces.
Allied Membership Benefits:
- Directory Listing: Receive year-round exposure in our member directory, with links to your website and social media sites.
- Share an Infographic on the Alliance Website: In addition to being listed in our member directory, you may submit a 250 width x 300 height pixel informational graphic with a link to our marketing team at marketing@afmte.org, which will be featured on the Alliance website.
- AFMTE Teacher Education Resource Directory: AFMTE members get access to our Teacher Education Resource Directory.
- Free Continuing Education Listings: Post upcoming workshops, webinars and online courses to the Continuing Education Resource Directory hosted on the Alliance website. This directory gives massage therapists and bodyworkers a “go-to” place to search for continuing education, and provides you with an important promotional channel for your courses. You’ll be able to include a workshop description, sponsor and location information, website hotlink, and a logo or photo. You can post an unlimited number of workshops for free! Plus, we also make email announcements through our monthly newsletter about upcoming continuing education courses that our posted in our CE Course Directory.
- AFMTE Educator Certification Member Savings: AFMTE members save $50 on their Application Fee for AFMTE’s Educator Certification. All the instructors at your organization can also save!
- Conference Exhibitor Savings: Allied members receive a discount for exhibitor booths at our biennial Educational Congress
- Massage Today Advertising Discounts: You’ll be eligible to receive a 25% discount on Print Ads in the Schools & Education Section, as well as 25% off all Banner Ads on MassageToday.com.
- Massage Magazine Advertising Discounts:. You’ll receive a 20% discount on Print Ads 1/4 page and larger, 20% off Listings in the Schools+Training Section, and 10% off all Banner Ads on MassageMag.com and their weekly E-Newsletter to students and therapists.
- Use the Alliance Membership Badge: Proudly show your commitment to our mission and goals of educational excellence by using the Alliance Member badge on your website or print material. Click here to download and read the terms and conditions
- Voting Rights: AFMTE members have voting rights for our annual elections
- Conference Savings: AFMTE members save per registration for representatives of your organization or company for our Biennial Educational Congress
Click JOIN to sign up now!
This link will take you to an Online Registration page that will allow you to purchase your membership via the Alliance’s secure web system.

The Alliance wishes to acknowledge the generous support of those pioneering institutions and individuals who stepped forward in 2009 to help launch this organization. Click here to view the Founding Members of the Alliance.